Tuesday, February 19, 2008

The Snowflake

As I write this, snow is falling. Every snowflake is unique. We often don’t think of their distinctiveness when shoveling snow or throwing snowballs. One snowflake may do us little good, but many, many snowflakes together can make up a snowball, a snowman, or a ski run.

This brings synergy to my mind. When we purchase a product or use a service, we often only think of the product, service, or company as a one entity. I don’t know if snowballs wouldn’t be possible if snowflakes weren’t unique. Synergy, however, wouldn’t be possible if people weren’t unique. I encourage you to value every person that’s part of any business process. By valuing each person individually, whether you are on the buy or sell side of a transaction, your snowballs will pack a greater punch.

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