Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Some Dance

I know an executive who works several states from his wife and travels home every other weekend. He has the financial means and is old enough to retire, but he continues to work. Although he has never blatantly stated so, he has indirectly commented that retiring would require him to live full time with his wife. Although we could probably launch into a lengthy discussion about long distance marriage, I think this brings up an interesting point about perspectives.

You may recall the two lines from the Eagles song (complete lyrics):

Some dance to remember
Some dance to forget

In the exact same circumstance, any two people may have wildly different perspectives. An extreme example is where the death of one person (the ultimate in negative outcome) becomes the joy of another (the funeral director receives business benefit). Based on your personality type, family background, amount of sleep the night before, etc., you may see a situation completely different than the person next to you.

Think about it.

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